The Therapeutic Power of Music


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Body Movement and Coordination

Music can develop and improve body movement and coordination as well due to its influence on the brain. The human brain is a sophisticated computer that controls every function in the body;the area of the brain that corresponds to body movements is the Motor cortex. According to the article"The Brain. Intermediate Level:"


So many different structures in the brain are involved in motor functions that some people even say that practically the entire brain contributes to body movements. Though the motor cortex is usually associatted with it, the control of voluntary movements actually involves almost areas of the Neocortex."


Techniques,Therapies,and Effects

When muscles receive an order from that area of the brain to relax,this benefits movement and coordination.The way experts handle musical therapy to develop and improve movement and coordination is by alterning three types of music:

  • Classical

  • Pop

  • Jazz


They do so because even though muscles need relaxation,they also demand stimuli that can be provided by managing this kind of music and stimulating the motor cortex and neocortex. Another alternative for enhancing that area is proposed by the article "Abstract Recognition of Visual Images in a rich sensory enviroment: Musical Accompaniment," in the journal Neuroscience of Behavior and Psychology that states,

A person's ability to recognize visual images, including letters and numbers, is faster when either rock or classical music is playing in the background."


The consequences of this technique are:

  1. Reduce sympathetic nervous system activity

  2. decrease anxiety and blood pressure

  3. helps to sleep

  4. Less stress

  5. Higher self-esteem

  6. More harmoniuos movements


Music helps the brain to activate and spread its electricalstream through neurotransmitters and therefore to improve both basic and sophisticated functions.


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The Therapeutic Power of Music • 197 Sabra Ave. • Oak Park, CA 91377 • 310-720-6955 •